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Date: 2020

Project Name:ZAKON LIBRI- Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania

Project Description

Zakon Libri is a project designed by the PROGRESS foundation and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania. The project consists of three cultural events organised within the framework of the month of the book, the month of October. The events took place in the city of Shkodra (located in the north), the city of Korca (located in the south) and the capital city of Albania, Tirana. From Shkodra to Korca to Tirana, ‘Zakon Libri’, “traveled” to the past and visited the literature works which have left traces in people’s minds and hearts, bringing together young people who all share the love for literature and books. During the events, the participants shared with each other their own literary creations, their favorite writers’ works and talked about Albanian literature throughout the years.