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Date: 2021

Project Name:CoCoTour Program - External Expertise for communication activities P.A.2/S.O.2.1-N.71-04

Project Description

The Co.Co.Tour project aims at securing a smart inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas through the development of a cross border eco-museum model and a common strategy, focused on community tourism. The cooperation model will increase a cross border governance of the involved territories, by sharing approaches, strategies and management standards, enabling heritage’s identification and safeguarding and developing a community tourism offer based on diversification, deseasonalization, target diversification (young, foreigners, disabled), quality and accessibility of the services.

Main Outputs:

–    Eco-museum cross border model and network 

–    Common community tourism package 

–    ICT Tools for smart usability of the heritage 

–    3 Eco-museum target spaces renewed and equipped